The bill is filed!

HB1189/SB1206 "An Act Relative to Out-of-Hospital Birth Access and Safety" is sponsored by Representative Kay Khan and Senator Anne Gobi. 

In Massachusetts today, most home births are attended by unlicensed midwives. This bill would require all unlicensed midwives practicing in out-of-hospital settings to become licensed and carry the Certified Professional Midwife credential. This licensure bill will improve the safety of home birth, promote public health, increase access to maternity care, and save money.

The following Representatives have signed-on as cosponsors of the bill: Sarah K. Peake, Bradford R. Hill, Elizabeth A. Malia, Ruth B. Balser, Jennifer E. Benson, James M. Cantwell, Marjorie C. Decker, Carolyn C. Dykema, James B. Eldridge, Dylan Fernandes, Kenneth I. Gordon, Jonathan Hecht, Mary S. Keefe, Robert M. Koczera,Stephen Kulik, Michael J. Moran, William Smitty Pignatelli, Denise Provost, John W. Scibak, Todd M. Smola,  Thomas M. Stanley, Aaron Vega, Chris Walsh, and Bud Williams.

Senators can still sign-on as co-sponsors, so call your State Senator and ask them to co-sponsor SB1206 today!

Read our fact sheet about the bill.

Read the full text of the bill.

BillEmily Anestabill, midwifery