December Action Alert: Contact Your State Senator Today!

Contact your State Senator today and ask them to cosponsor the Massachusetts Senate Bill SB1206, "An Act Relative to Out-of-Hospital Birth Access and Safety."

Take 1 minute right now to click and automatically e-mail your State Senator.

Your calls and e-mails really make a difference! Sometimes one quick call is all it takes to get a cosponsor. Most legislators support this bill once they hear from a constituent about it.

Who is my State Senator?

Go to and enter your address. Scroll down to "State Senator" and click on their name for e-mail and phone info.

What do I say?

By phone:
Tell the person who answers that you are a constituent, and ask for a staff member. Give your NAME and ADDRESS.
"As a constituent of Senator _______, I support the bill SB1206 'An Act Relative to Out-of-Hospital Birth Access and Safety' filed by Senator Anne Gobi. I would like to request that the Senator co-sponsor this important bill."
Feel free to add your personal anecdote or reasons for supporting the bill.
By e-mail:
Use our automated system to send an e-mail right away, or send a personal e-mail including the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • The bill name and number (SB1206 "An Act Relative to Out-of-Hospital Birth Access and Safety")
  • That you SUPPORT the bill and you would like the Senator to COSPONSOR the bill.
  • Feel free to add your personal anecdote or reasons for supporting the bill. Attach a photo of your baby or your family!

Is your Senator already a co-sponsor? Please THANK them for supporting out-of-hospital birth access and safety for Massachusetts families!

Senate co-sponsors of SB1206 (so far):

Anne M. Gobi (Sponsor)   Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex
Sal N. DiDomenico    Middlesex and Suffolk
Julian Cyr    Cape and Islands
James B. Eldridge    Middlesex and Worcester
Jason M. Lewis    Fifth Middlesex
Michael F. Rush    Norfolk and Suffolk
Michael J. Barrett    Third Middlesex
Patricia D. Jehlen    Second Middlesex

Bill, LobbyingEmily Anesta